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sk8 demo
Atlanta City _2
⑤ !! new !! trick manual and nose-manual.
[↓] triggers manual, and [↑] / [↓] (before animations over), make manual longer.
[C]+[↑] (or just [↑] while ollie) triggers nose-manual, and [↑] makes it longer. use [C]+[↑] for reduce speed.

① basic trick, power slide back & front.
press [Shift]+[→] or [Shift]+[←] while you are on ground.
② basic trick, kick-flip and shuvit.
Start ollie by press [E], then press [E] again while ollie.
Tap slower like "tan_tan" for kick-flip. quicker tap for shuvit.
③ possible trick on ramp.
power-slide top of ramp :->
④ possible trick on curb, back-side-slide,
i make this rarely. maybe you have to pay attention for distance to curb and strength of ollie.


2011-10-15. skateboard version 2.3 released.
  if you have earlier version, please IM me to receive your copy.
new tricks manual and nose-manual added. please check demo video below.

2011-09-18. midcut skateshoes version2 released.



stucking does heppen sometime, slip and cannot forward at all.
touch skateboard to recover.



use arrow key or [a][w][d][s] to move. tap [e] key while ollie to start flip and shuvit.


SBHUD controls camera, toggles On-Off by clicking.
HUD going pin your camera position when trun it On.

plz watch demo video ①, you can see how pinned camera works.

HUD_where can I skate ?

it is hard to find where you can skate ( eq where you can rez ), radar button on HUD may help you in this situation.

radar demo video


if you lost skateboard, type "/1155 " into chat. SB may back to you, maybe not. (you need to be closer enough)


if you have question, you can find gy35 Aichi in SEARCH. Notecard is better than IM, send me plz.